Object 01

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Object 01

  • Object 1 is a support that is to be installed in a machine used in production. The upper hole makes 40 mm, the lower one makes 50 mm. The support could be made of metal, with costs certainly higher not only for the realization of the finished piece, but especially for the countless changes it has undergone over time. The hexagon is used to adjust the angular position with respect to the cylinder (wrench size 70) before being press-fitted onto the machine. Since the inside of the hexagon is press-fit, it must be dimensionally accurate and have an excellent finish. Consequently, we printed the object with the hole a bit “narrow” and ground it on the lathe. The longitudinal holes on the ring serve as a housing for tubes, and the hooked “hooks” are for attaching elastic clips. Because made in 3D, and because in number :
    • Why made in 3D?
      • Quando abbiamo definito che ci serviva “qualcosa” del genere, abbiamo capito che avremmo dovuto modificarlo più e più volte (quella definitiva e fotografata, infatti, è la versione 51),
      • Some machining would have been very difficult to do on metal,
    • Why Techinit 5?
      • Dimensionally stable even over large sizes (piece is about 35 cm long),
      • Resistant
      • It tolerates tooling very well,
      • It withstands high temperatures (that piece always works at 60°C, even 75°C),
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